Support for Network file paths Fixed problem with calibration lockup with certain sound cards Corrected channel label annotation on printouts Improved Peak Hold logic Fixed problem with creating peak hold overlays on the right channel Released version Added new COM API automation function TriggerSetThreshold() Fixed problem exporting 8 bit wave files to binary format Released version Added new COM API automation function TriggerSetThreshold() Fixed problem exporting 8 bit wave files to binary format Released version " Added new Time series plot right click menu ""Save To Wave File"" - quickly create wave files from within a larger file." Fixed problem with network hardware key license timeout Released version Fixed right channel y axis label problem on time series when independent calibration enabled Released version Fixed right channel display of results when Compute RMS level right click command used. Reduced gap between channels when dual channel plot printed. Fixed lower limit on frequency span spin control in plot options dialog box Released version Added Run Control option to automatically start all other instances of analyzer Released version Added new calibration feature to quickly set the calibration reference point to 0.0 dBr. Right Click menu on Spectrum View ""Set Calibration to 0 dBr at this frequency. New DDE and API Commands to perform this action from an automation client or macro. Note - This will cause the analyzer to compute and apply calibration values that will result in a level of 0 dBr at the frequency corresponding to the mouse position. Use this to quickly normalize the trace such as when performing a frequency sweep test. Released version Fixed problem with negative Leq values with certain settings. Added Frequency Zoom toolbar controls to Spectrogram and 3-D Surface Plots. Released version Added Time Series right click menu ""Compute Peak to Peak Level. Released version Added RT-60 utility options for 1/1 Octave or 1/3 Octave resolution. Released version Added Run Control option to allow spacebar to toggle between Run and Stop Released version Optimized Decimation for faster performance Fixed minor timing issues with run control timing when trigging used Released SpectraPLUS-SC version Fixed problem decoding calibration values from Digiducer when Japanese character set used. Released SpectraPLUS-SC version Added "Set or Create All Paths" option to dialog box. SpectraPLUS-SC version Fixed Leq Update rate timing issue. SpectraPLUS-SC version Added support for SpectraDAQ-200 Input Range and IEPE control Direct hardware and transducer calibration Support for embedded license key on DAQ SpectraPLUS-SC version Fixed playback glitch issue when ASIO used Added new COM API functions: WritePlotToBitampFile() SetOverlay() ShowOverlay() HideOverlay() SaveOverlay() LoadOverlay() BuildSpectrogramPlot() BuildSurfacePlot() SetTimeSeriesPlotTimeSpan() GetDigitalInputLineState() SetDigitalInputLineState() SpectraPLUS-SC version Added right click menu to Time Series plot Set Trigger Threshold SpectraPLUS-SC version Fixed error message with Hyrdophone sensitivity calibration Added "DAQDeviceControl.exe" utility for controlling SpectraDAQ-200 input gain and IEPE for use with other sound card software SpectraPLUS-SC version Fixed problem with THD vs Freq utility when high sampling rates used SpectraPLUS-SC version Added support for Digiducer model 333D02 and MB63 Fixed problem with playback error (Device is in use) on some sound cards SpectraPLUS-SC version Fixed scaling issue when transfer function is used with linear amplitude axis scaling Added the following right click menus to the Time Series plot: Compute Cumulative Sound Exposure Level (C-SEL) Export Peak Values to text File Added small square on each sample when zoomed in on the time series plot Fixed cursor positions when center frequency is not zero on the time series plot SpectraPLUS-SC version Added File I/O option to store and display recording time stamp to the wave file Installer and application signed with digital certificate SpectraPLUS-SC version Fixed bug with RT-60 when maximized and then closed Display a moving current position line on time series plot when commands are used SpectraPLUS-SC version Fixed issue with missing audio when playback of short time segments SpectraPLUS-SC version Fixed glitch on signal generator Added right click menu to time series "Compute RMS, Max, Min, and Peak to Peak levels" and added data table showing the results SpectraPLUS-SC version Fixed signal generator randomly stopping Added logic to retain the name of last selected configuration file in main toolbar until any processing settings are changed SpectraPLUS-SC version Fixed slight glitch with multitone signal generator in certain cases Fixed program hanging up when automatically begining a new wave file when time stamp is embedded Fixed startup issue with COM API with certain configurations SpectraPLUS-SC version Fixed issue with data logging when Leq selected and Leq utility is not open Added capability to import to 32 bit wave files Show the available gain before clipping in the dialog box Fixed problem with toolbar when RT-60 is full screen Fixed issue when viewing existing RT-60 files with different sampling rates Added capability to display thick spectrum traces, overlays and markers on spectrum plot Fixed memory leak with certain overlay operations Enabled acceleration conversion list box when Digiducer is selected input device Added new API commands: SetInputDevice() SetOutputDevice() SetDAQInputGainAndIEPE() OpenMacroFile() RunMacro() StopMacro() PrintPlot() WriteSpectrumToTextFile() OpenTHDvsFreq() RunTHDvsFreq() SaveTHDvsFreq() CloseTHDvsFreq() SpectraPLUS-SC version Fixed issue with macro utility edit control showing garbled data Fixed issue with print annotation edit control showing garbled data Optimized dynamic decimal place formating of plot axis labels Show overlay when user loads overlay file from disk Optimized time series plot vertical axis centering logic Optimized time series plot autoscale logic SpectraPLUS-SC version Fixed issue with with stereo wave files SpectraPLUS-SC version Fixed right channel logic error with Cummulative SEL plot Optimized DDE and COM API commands for setting mic compensation files Data Logging toolbar button underlined with red bar when enabled SpectraPLUS-SC version Added ability to monitor the inputs with the outputs when using the DAQ Added new COM API commands: GetDelayFinderValue() SetCrossChannelDelayValue() SpectraPLUS-SC version Added "Live Monitoring" feature to SpectraDAQ-200. This will route the input channels to the ouput channels to allow you to listen to the signal while the analyzer is running. Expanded error messages if failure opening sound card occurs. SpectraPLUS-SC version Support for Digiducer model 485B39 Added option for THD vs Freq or THD+N vs Frequency Added overlay option to "Copy to Left/Right Channel" Added Load/Save to .tones file for Multiple tones signal generation Added API command "LoadGeneratorMultiToneFile()" SpectraPLUS-SC version Increased number of decimal places for File Export, Copy data and other operations. Fixed issue with Level sweep when very short sweep times used Fixed issue with custom calibration axis labels being cleared in certain cases. SpectraPLUS-SC version Improved THD vs Freq algorithm at low frequencies Fixed issue with missing labels when loading a calibration file Increased signal generator level lower limit from -96 dB to -144 dB Increased numerical precision of signal generator level edit control SpectraPLUS-SC version ASIO support for sound cards with multiple channel pairs Improved dithering algorithm SpectraPLUS-SC version Fixed crash when Real Time buffering disabled Fixed issue with "WaitTopOfMinute" Macro command Added "Pull Cursor to Peak Hold" feature to Spectrum Plot options Fixed issue with THD vs Freq when low frequencies are selected SpectraPLUS-SC version Fixed issue with THD vs Freq utility when closing after full screen Fixed issue with 32 bit wave file calibration to dBFS Optimized frequency axis labeling when zoomed in to narrow span Changed axis label from dBr to dBFS for clarity Added Log threshold info to header when using Export Peak Values to File Added right click menu to I/O Device dialog box with ASIO debug and SpectraDAQ-200 debug info Fixed logic issue setting signal generator output level with SpectraDAQ-200 from COM API SpectraPLUS-SC version Improved robustness when SpectraDAQ-200 and computer goes into sleep or hibernation Added Device option to put SpectraDAQ-200 into low power mode when application closes Improved frequency axis grid lines and labels when high sampling rates are used Optimized time axis tic marks in Spectrogram and 3D Surface plots Added calibration support for the Modal Shop 485B39 digital ICP device SpectraPLUS-SC version Fix logic for enabling Calibration dialog controls for Digiducer SpectraPLUS-SC version Fixed issue when calibrating to external reference signal and changing DAQ gain SpectraPLUS-SC version Improved error message text if sound card cannot be accessed. Fixed glitch with User Defined signal generator option if stereo mode enabled SpectraPLUS-SC version Now compiled with Visual Studio 2017 (C++) Added ability to read and write user metadata to wave file New menu and dialog box Option to prompt for Metadata when saving wave file Option to show metadata on plots when printing (print annotation dialog) New COM API commands: SetMetadata() GetMetadata() SetDecimationRatio() PerformHilbertTransform() Support for Impact Hammer testing: Force and Exponential smoothing windows added Advanced options for Force window width and Exponential window time constant Independent smoothing window selections for each channel Calibration to Force and Velocity units Trigger threshold setting now in engineering units Trigger delay can be specified in milliseconds or as percent of FFT size Option to prompt user to Accept/Reject trigger waveform Trigger preview waveform shown with smoothing window applied Overlays Increased the number of overlays from 6 to 12 with 2 composite overlays Total Power is now stored in the overlay file and marked on the wideband power bar Legend used as suggested filename when saving overlay files. Data Logging Threshold conditions: Selectable threshold condition and level for logging to occur Options to reset spectral average and peak hold after each interval New Calibration units: Acceleration m/sec^2 Velocity in/sec Velocity mm/sec Force Newtons Force lb-ft SpectraPLUS-SC version Added Markers to Phase plot Fixed control size issue when large system fonts used Fixed playback start location when ASIO mode used Added "Set Markers" button on Data Logging setup dialog box Added "Convert To RMS Values" to right click menu on Time Series plot Use /Log folder as default location when "Export Peak Values" right click menu used SpectraPLUS-SC version Added logic to sync DAQ input gain to wave file cal data when in post processing mode SpectraPLUS-SC version  Signal generator sampling rate matches analyzer input rate when ASIO used DC offset calibration values stored on SpectraDAQ-200 and applied to wave data SpectraPLUS-SC version  Export Peak Values right click menu from time series plot - optimized calculations and added  SEL of peak event Corrected SEL and Cumulative SEL units labeling Fixed data logging timing logic with first Leq update SpectraPLUS-SC version Added DC blocking filter Fixed Signal Generator logic when decimation used SpectraPLUS-SC version Fixed issue with data logging stopping at midnight Fixed issue with trigger threshold value parameter entry in dialog box SpectraPLUS-SC version Added a Threshold Limit Line option to the time series plot Displays a dashed horizontal line at the level specified by the user Expanded the Frequency, Level, and Total Power utility windows If peak hold is enabled separate columns will show live and peak hold values The values are displayed using the same color as their respective traces on the plot New dual channel spectral processing option: Add Left and Right Computes the sum of the channels and displays on the spectrum plots This is a vector summation (if the signals are 180 out of phase they will cancel) New COM API commands for trigger analysis GetTriggerCount() GetMaxValueInTriggerSeries() GetMinValueInTriggerSeries() GetTriggerTimeSeries() SpectraPLUS-SC version Fixed Invalid Smoothing Window error condition Added logic and error messaging to prevent the DAQ input gain from being changed if a wave file is open SpectraPLUS-SC version Increased maximum delay time value in the Delay Finder Utility SpectraPLUS-SC version COM API - Return E_INVALIDARG if file does not exist for LoadConfig and other functions that open files COM API - SetGeneratorLevel() uses dBV when SpectraDAQ-200 used, otherwise units are dBFS SpectraPLUS-SC version Fixed logic issue with of right channel New COM API commands for peak hold data: GetPeakHoldFrequency() GetPeakHoldAmplitude() GetPeakHoldTotalPower() SpectraPLUS-SC version Fixed issue with overlay legends when SPLINE OFF command is used Added weighting label to units on total power utility Added Cumulative Sound Exposure Level (cSEL) utility >>> see * Real time display with threshold limits and alerts Data Logging COM API: GetCSEL(), ResetCSEL() Fixed issue with recording when triggering used at low sampling rates and ASIO driver mode Optimized cSEL computations to use less memory with large wave files Show the max cSEL value reached when plotting cSEL Added right click menu to cSEL utility window "Set cSEL starting value" Fixed plotting issue with THD vs Freq utility Fixed issue with copying overlays between channels 7-12 Removed extraneous Carriage Return characters from clipboard and logging operations Total Power calculations corrected for when Power Spectral Density is enabled Fixed issue with overlay 12 when used in a composite overlay Calibration dialog customized label handling improved Added warning if PSD unit/sqrt(Hz) used with Log amplitude scaling Fixed issue with grid lines on THD vs Freq plot Fixed issue with right click time series menu when triggering used Require a minimum Leq recalculation interval of 1 second Fixed licensing issue when both a multiuser hardware key and single user key are present Optimized amplitude axis labels on right click menu Added support for Digiducer model 333D04 Fixed issue with right channel cSEL plot Fixed filtering issue when time segment includes the end of the file Fixed licensing issue causing dongle to not be recognized after analyzer is idle for several minutes Cross Channel delay value - increased the number of decimal points for higher sampling rates Cross Channel delay value - small scroll bar will increment in one sample steps Added Alert Utility with visual and audible notifications of user defined signal conditions Alert Utility Added time series as alert condition Added Duration threshold parameter Added Alarm duration parameter Fixed problem with right click on touch screens Added support for post processing 32 bit floating point wave files Fixed display issue with time series threshold dashed line Alert threshold synced with time series threshold line when time series is used for alert Fixed corrupted samples issue with SpectraDAQ-200 (unintended side effect of 32 point wave file change) Improved device detection logic for 485B89 with other languages Changes to support SpectraDAQ-200 Version 2 hardware >>> see * SpectraPLUS-SC version - release Added Gap time option to Freq Step signal in signal generator Added note to Device dialog about DAQ channel labels Added calibration option to G or m/s2 to Digiducer calibration Fixed issue with alert logic when two channels are used SpectraPLUS-SC version - release COM API extended to support 64 bit clients Optimized trigger preview display logic File Merge menu - explanation message box only shown first time used Cursor Capture released when focus switched to a different application Fixed issue with velocity and displacement when calibrated to Acceleration in m/s^2 Added SpectraDAQ-200 initialization logic for sampling rate 4/1/24 - SpectraPLUS-SC version - release